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Yeast Powder: Benefits and Uses


Yeast powder is produced by converting yeast into a powdered form using vacuum technology. It is commonly added to dough during the kneading process. When the yeast bacteria in the powder encounter heat, they begin to ferment, producing a significant amount of carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise. Yeast powder is convenient to use, poses no safety issues, and can be used long-term without harm to the human body.

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Nutritional Value

1. Rich in B Vitamins: Yeast powder is abundant in B vitamins, including B1, B2, and B12, which are often lacking in vegetarian diets. It provides a complete source of these essential nutrients.

2. Fermentation Process: When added to dough and kept at temperatures between 25-30°C, yeast utilizes sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose (converted from the dough’s own amylase) to grow. During this process, some of the sugars are broken down into carbon dioxide and alcohol, causing the dough to expand and form many air pockets. This results in a light, fluffy texture and a pleasant aroma in foods like bread and buns.

Health Benefits

1. Prevents Skin Aging: Yeast powdercontains B vitamins that help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, promoting proper blood circulation, which is vital for healthy skin. This helps increase skin elasticity and prevent aging.

2. Teeth Whitening: Adding a bit of yeast powder to your toothpaste when brushing your teeth can help whiten them.

3. Reduces Fat Absorption: Yeast is rich in high-quality dietary fiber, which absorbs water and expands. This fiber can bind to fats in the digestive system and carry them out of the body through feces, thereby reducing fat absorption.

Yeast powder is a versatile ingredient that not only enhances the quality of baked goods but also offers numerous health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any diet.

Contact:James Yang

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Email: sales@xabcbiotech.com